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Nueva investigación de Andrea Canales

Investigación destacadaInvestigadora Principal LM2C2

The how’s and how often’s of school harassment:
How do they influence the academic achievement of adolescents over time?

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Nueva investigación de Andrea Canales

Investigación destacadaInvestigadora Principal LM2C2

Teacher's social desirability bias and migrant students:
A study on explicit and implicit prejudices with a list experiment

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Hito del 2023Infomalidad laboral: Causas, consecuencias y soluciones.Ignacio Briones, ex candidato presidencial; Giorgio Boccardo, Subsecretario del Trabajo;
Felipe Balmaceda Director LM2C2; Jeanne Lafortune, Directora MNEW
Investigación destacada

Nueva investigación de Andrea Canales

Investigadora Principal LM2C2

The how’s and how often’s of school harassment:
How do they influence the academic achievement
of adolescents over time?

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Investigación destacada

Nueva investigación de Andrea Canales

Investigadora Principal LM2C2

Teacher's social desirability bias and migrant students:
A study on explicit and implicit prejudices
with a list experiment

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Hito del 2023


Infomalidad laboral: Causas,
consecuencias y soluciones.
INVITADOSIgnacio Briones, ex candidato presidencial;
Giorgio Boccardo, Subsecretario del Trabajo;
Felipe Balmaceda Director LM2C2;
Jeanne Lafortune, Directora MNEW
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Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Labor Market Mismatch: Causes and Consequences (LM2C2)

The quality of the match between companies and workers in the labor market is crucial for their performance: a good match between the skills and tasks of workers increases personal satisfaction in their jobs, job stability, wages, and, therefore, productivity. However, the evidence indicates that there are wide mismatches between the characteristics required in the position and those that the worker possesses in Chile and the world.


Through the combined work of economists and sociologists, The Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Labor Market Mismatch: Causes and Consequences (LM2C2seeks to understand the consequences of the mismatch from a novel and multidisciplinary perspective to produce high-quality academic contributions. Specifically, it will seek to understand the impact of the possibility of mismatches in the labor market on incentives and productivity, how different types of labor market frictions affect these mismatches, and what their consequences are on the acquisition of human capital.


Additionally, it will seek to understand how mismatches influence segregation, wage inequality, informality, and social mobility and whether this same lack of social mobility and discrimination can, in turn, cause mismatches. The results of the core investigations will generate evidence that will contribute to national and international research and will be highly relevant to the development of public policies in the country.  

Press Releases

La pregunta prohibida: ¿cuánto quiere ganar?​

Columna de Opinión de Benjamín Villena – Investigador LM2C2 y MIPP


Investigadores del Núcleo Milenio LM2C2 participaron en un workshop sobre inmigración y mercados laborales


Núcleo Milenio LM2C2 realiza exitosa Escuela de Verano de Economía y Sociología



Columna de Pablo Ortúzar “Crisis social y títulos universitarios” en LT, incorpora información del gráfico elaborado por nuestro investigador Mauricio Bucca con datos de la Casen 1990 - 2020, acerca del valor del título universitario en Chile.


La Directora Alterna del Núcleo Milenio LM2C2, Paola Bordón fue invitada por la Fiscalía Nacional Económica a ser parte de los asesores para el estudio sobre educación superior.


Marily Lüders, former director of Diario Financiero, hosted the "Rat Pack" program on Tele13 Radio, where the topic of "The Situation of Informality in Chile" was addressed, in connection with the LM2C2-MNEW colloquium "Informality in Chile: Causes and Consequences," held on November 20th at the Universidad Andrés Bello.

21 de noviembre


Through the combined work of economists and sociologists, The Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Labor Market Mismatch: Causes and Consequences (LM2C2) seeks to understand the consequences of the mismatch from a novel and multidisciplinary perspective to produce high-quality academic contributions. Specifically, it will seek to understand the impact of the possibility of mismatches in the labor market on incentives and productivity, how different types of labor market frictions affect these mismatches, and what their consequences are on the acquisition of human capital.


This project will study the relationship between mismatch and the performance of individuals and organizations at both conceptual and empirical levels. Some broad questions we want to answer are: What is the impact that different types of labor market frictions have on mismatch? Does mismatch have consequences on individuals' human capital acquisition and their careers? How and when does technological change affect mismatch? What are the channels through which mismatches affect workers' productivity? How does mismatch affect segregation, wage inequality, and social mobility? Does mismatch generate unfulfilled expectations and unrewarding careers?

Lines of Research

Labor market; Labor mismatch; Human capital; Productivity; Design and Job Description and Productivity; Employment Exchanges; Inequity and Mobility in the Labor Market; Informality.



The Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Labor Market Mismatch: Causes and Consequences (LM2C2) is focused on explaining how firms and jobs are matched with workers.

Based on the LM2C2 nucleus research, new projects will arise, and others will be furthered, contributing to a deep understanding of both the causes and consequences of the quality of matches in the labor market. Public policies aimed at improving match quality at the formation stage and its sustainability, shall be proposed to further greater labor inclusion, greater productivity, and less discrimination.


Mauricio Bucca and Andrea Canales, researchers of the LM2C2 Millenium Nucleus, are participating in a workshop that discusses different issues regarding Inequality and Stratification from different perspectives, amongst them, the inequalities of labor market returns.

Santiago, Chile

May 2023 - January 2024

Call for Papers

We invite submissions of papers with an empirical, theoretical, or policy-oriented focus that shed light on the causes, consequences, and potential solutions for gender and labor mismatches. This workshop will provide a platform for economists, sociologists, and other social scientists to present and discuss cutting-edge research, exchange ideas, and share insights.

Lines of Research

Labor market; Labor mismatch; Human capital; Productivity; Design and Job Description and Productivity; Employment Exchanges; Inequity and Mobility in the Labor Market; Informality.
