Luca Flabbi
Xi Song
Extended Deadline
Keynote speakers
December 9th and 10th, 2024, at Santiago, Chile
Luca Flabbi
Xi Song
Extended Deadline
Please submit your papers by the new, extended deadline: September 20, 2024
Notification of acceptance: October 5, 2024.
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The Millennium Nucleus LM²C² is a research center that studies and analyzes the labor market and its mismatches. It focuses on identifying and understanding the causes that lead to imbalances between labor supply and demand and evaluating the economic and social consequences of these mismatches. This center is comprised of a group of academics from Pontificia Universidad Católica (UC), Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB), and Universidad Diego Portales (UDD).
The purpose of the Millennium Nucleus LM²C² is not just to generate knowledge but to apply this knowledge. The center promotes evidence-based projects that contribute to the design of public policies and effective strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of imbalances in the labor market.
The full name of this initiative, created in November 2022, "Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Labor Mismatch, Causes and Consequences LM²C²" is part of the Millennium Science Initiative of the National Research and Development Agency (ANID), which, through various research centers, promotes research in diverse areas of knowledge.
The set of papers, reports, and documents produced by LM²C² is based on eight lines of research: Labor Market / Labor Mismatch / Human Capital / Productivity / Design and Description of Work and Productivity / Employment Exchanges / Inequality and Labor Market Mobility / Informality.
Las Últimas Noticias
24 de agosto, 2024
La Tercera
24 de julio, 2024
Labor market; Labor mismatch; Human capital; Productivity; Design and Job Description and Productivity; Employment Exchanges; Inequity and Mobility in the Labor Market; Informality.
The Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Labor Market Mismatch: Causes and Consequences (LM2C2) is focused on explaining how firms and jobs are matched with workers.
Based on the LM2C2 nucleus research, new projects will arise, and others will be furthered, contributing to a deep understanding of both the causes and consequences of the quality of matches in the labor market. Public policies aimed at improving match quality at the formation stage and its sustainability, shall be proposed to further greater labor inclusion, greater productivity, and less discrimination.
The 2nd Latin American Congress of Social Sciences and Government, co-organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Catholic University, the School of Government of the Catholic University, the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Los Andes in Colombia, and the School of Social Sciences and Government of the TEC de Monterrey, will focus on inequalities in Latin America. It will be held at the Casa Central of the UC from November 13-15. Andrea Canales, principal researcher at LM2C2 , is part of the congress's organizational committee. Additionally, Andrea Canales will chair some of the sessions, particularly those focused on Labor Market, Human Capital, and Inequalities. Registrations are open, and submissions are through the following link:
13-15 de Noviembre
9-10 de Diciembre 2024
Mauricio Bucca, Andrea Canales, and Tania Hutt, LM2C2 Millennium Nucleus researchers, organize the Workshop on Inequality and Stratification Research. With monthly sessions, the Workshop will address issues related to social stratification and inequality.
Marzo – Diciembre 2024
We invite submissions of papers with an empirical, theoretical, or policy-oriented focus that shed light on the causes, consequences, and potential solutions for gender and labor mismatches. This workshop will provide a platform for economists, sociologists, and other social scientists to present and discuss cutting-edge research, exchange ideas, and share insights.