Economists from the LM²C² Millennium Nucleus at the
2024 SECHI Annual Meeting

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 Call for Papers 2024

Luca Flabbi
Xi Song

Extended Deadline

Keynote speakers

Workshop 2024 Núcleo Milenio LM2C2 :
“Causes and Consequences of Labor Market Mismatch”

See moreDecember 9th and 10th, 2024,
at Santiago, Chile
Please submit your papers by the new, extended deadline: September 20, 2024
Notification of acceptance: October 5, 2024.

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Paper de Benjamín Villena
"Desentrañando la persistencia de la informalidad",
es requerido por Superintendencia de Pensiones
para nutrir proyecto del tema

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Panel “Informalidad laboral y Productividad”
liderado por académicos advierte falta de
políticas públicas y flexibilidad.

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Artículo de investigador Mauricio Bucca
sobre efectos del color de la piel en educación
y mercado laboral en EEUU, es publicado en
revista a Social Sciences.

ver más

Cómo la violencia comunitaria afecta
resultados académicos de niños, es el tema
que se abordó en workshop “Desigualdad y Estratificación”
de Núcleo Milenio.

ver más

Trabajo sobre discriminación de género y racial
de investigadora Tania Hutt fue publicado en
American Sociological Review.

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Investigación de Mauricio Bucca sobre cómo
países de Europa Occidental incorporan a
poblaciones inmigrantes y movilidad social,
es publicada por Social Sciences.

Call for Papers 2024
Keynote speakers

December 9th and 10th, 2024, at Santiago, Chile

Luca Flabbi
Xi Song

Extended Deadline

Please submit your papers by the new, extended deadline: September 20, 2024
Notification of acceptance: October 5, 2024.

LM2C2 Annual Workshop 2024: Causes and Consequences Labor Market Mismatch

See more

Paper de Benjamín Villena
"Desentrañando la persistencia de la informalidad",
es requerido por Superintendencia de Pensiones
para nutrir proyecto del tema

ver más

Panel “Informalidad laboral y Productividad”
liderado por académicos advierte falta de
políticas públicas y flexibilidad.

ver más

Artículo de investigador Mauricio Bucca
sobre efectos del color de la piel en educación
y mercado laboral en EEUU, es publicado en
revista a Social Sciences.

ver más

Cómo la violencia comunitaria afecta
resultados académicos de niños, es el tema
que se abordó en workshop “Desigualdad y Estratificación”
de Núcleo Milenio.

ver más

Trabajo sobre discriminación de género y racial
de investigadora Tania Hutt fue publicado en
American Sociological Review.

ver más

Investigación de Mauricio Bucca sobre cómo
países de Europa Occidental incorporan a
poblaciones inmigrantes y movilidad social,
es publicada por Social Sciences.

ver más

Labor Market Mismatch, Causes and Consequences (LM²C²) Millennium Nucleus

The Millennium Nucleus LM²C² is a research center that studies and analyzes the labor market and its mismatches. It focuses on identifying and understanding the causes that lead to imbalances between labor supply and demand and evaluating the economic and social consequences of these mismatches. This center is comprised of a group of academics from Pontificia Universidad Católica (UC), Universidad Andrés Bello (UNAB), and Universidad Diego Portales (UDD).


The purpose of the Millennium Nucleus LM²C² is not just to generate knowledge but to apply this knowledge. The center promotes evidence-based projects that contribute to the design of public policies and effective strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of imbalances in the labor market.

The full name of this initiative, created in November 2022, "Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Labor Mismatch, Causes and Consequences LM²C²" is part of the Millennium Science Initiative of the National Research and Development Agency (ANID), which, through various research centers, promotes research in diverse areas of knowledge.

The set of papers, reports, and documents produced by LM²C² is based on eight lines of research: Labor Market / Labor Mismatch / Human Capital / Productivity / Design and Description of Work and Productivity / Employment Exchanges / Inequality and Labor Market Mobility / Informality.

Press Releases

Economists from the LM²C² Millennium Nucleus at the 2024 SECHI Annual Meeting


Millennium Nucleus LM²C² Announces Call for Papers 2024 for Workshop: “Causes and Consequences of Labor Market Mismatch”


The Superintendence of Pensions Invites Benjamín Villena to Present His Paper "Unpacking the Persistence of Informality" to enrich the Entity's Informality Project


LM2C2 in the press

Encuesta de sueldos: ocupados informales ganan 2,5 veces menos que los empleados formales

Las Últimas Noticias

24 de agosto, 2024

Envejecimiento de la fuerza laboral en Chile: el cambio cultural que se hace urgente

La Tercera

24 de julio, 2024

Informalidad laboral y políticas públicas. Por Benjamín Villena


22 de julio, 2024


Felipe BalmacedaDirectorPh.D. in Economics – Cornell University Institute for Economic Policies, Universidad Andrés Bello.Research fields: Industrial Organization, Labor Economics, Contract Theory.
Paola BordónAlternate DirectorPh.D. in Economics – University of Wisconsin-Madison, Facultad de Economía y Negocios
Universidad de Chile.
Research fields: Labor Economics, Education Economics, Applied Econometrics, Empirical
Industrial Organization and Public Policy.
Mauricio BuccaMain ResearcherPhD in Sociology, Cornell University, Facultad de Sociología, Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile.
Research fields: Labor Market Inequalities, Intergenerational Mobility and
Beliefs Regarding Inequality.
Andrea CanalesMain ResearcherPhD in Sociology, Oxford University, Instituto de Sociología, Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile.
Research fields: Education, Social Stratification and Inequality, Gender.
Mauricio TejadaMain ResearcherPhD. in Economics – Georgetown University, Facultad de Administración y Economía,
Universidad Diego Portales.
Research fields: Labor Economics, Structural Econometrics, Macroeconomics.
Benjamín VillenaMain ResearcherPh.D. in Economics – University of Rochester, Institute for Economic Policies,
Universidad Andrés Bello.
Research fields: Labor Economics, Macroeconomics, Political Economy.
Tania HuttYoung ResearcherTania Hutt is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology of the Catholic University.
She obtained her Ph.D. in Sociology from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Research fields: Gender disparities in the workplace, employment, family dynamics, and
organizational structures. Her research explores the ways in which transitions between family
and work roles, and the decision-making processes involved in these transitions, contribute to
the (re)production of gender, racial/ethnic, and economic inequalities within the labor market.
This includes investigating patterns related to labor force participation, hiring practices, biases,
stereotypes, and wage differentials.
Ramiro BarreraResearch AssistantRamiro Barrera is an economist and holds a master's degree in Economic Analysis from the
University of Chile. His areas of expertise focus on Energy Economics, Environmental Economics,
and Labor Economics, with a prominent emphasis on the practical application of microeconomics.
With extensive experience as a research assistant and teaching assistant at the University
of Chile and Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, he has directed his work towards the analysis of
applied economics in public policies.
Roberto CantillánResearch AssistantRoberto Cantillán is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Sociology at the Pontifical Catholic University
of Chile and serves as an assistant at the 'Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Labor Market
Mismatch' (LM2C2). His doctoral research centers on examining patterns of mobility, diffusion,
and segregation within labor markets, utilizing a structural and network approach, with a
particular emphasis on intragenerational dynamics.
Rodolfo Matías GómezResearch AssistantRodolfo Matías Gómez is a Sociologist and a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at the Pontifical
Catholic University of Chile. His areas of interest include household financialization, with a
particular focus on indebtedness. Additionally, he has a prominent interest in mixed and
computational methodologies in social sciences.
Joaquín MartínezResearch AssistantJoaquín Martínez is a student of Commercial Engineering with a focus on economic sciences
at the University of Chile. His areas of interest include political economy, the labor market, and
industrial organization. Currently, he is focused on researching educational and skill mismatches
in the Chilean labor market, exploring their relationships with the pandemic and automation.
Exequiel PadillaResearch AssistantExequiel Padilla is currently a Ph.D. student in the Doctorate Program in Engineering Systems
at the University of Chile. He holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a master's degree in
applied economics, both from the same university. His area of interest focuses on the design of
mechanisms and markets.
Marlene Rivas-MuenaResearch AssistantMarlene Rivas-Muena is a Ph.D. student in Sociology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile,
where she also obtained her Master's degree in Sociology. She holds a Bachelor's degree
in Sociology from the University of Chile. Her work focuses on the study of educational inequalities
in academic trajectories and labor markets, using data and comparative and longitudinal research
designs. Currently, she is a co-investigator on a Fondecyt Regular project (2023-2026) that examines
educational inequality, analyzing factors such as reading comprehension, motivation, and
self-efficacy perception in teaching and learning processes in Chile.
Felipe Rodríguez MadariagaResearch AssistantFelipe Rodríguez Madariaga is an Industrial Civil Engineer and holds a Master's degree in Applied
Economics from the University of Chile. He has dedicated his career to research in macroeconomic
labor models and empirical and econometric methods. Additionally, he has significant interests in
areas such as development macroeconomics, international trade, and political economy.
Elisa TagleResearch AssistantElisa Tagle is a fourth-year sociology student at PUC. She has been a teaching assistant in various
sociological theory, economics, and statistics courses. Additionally, she has worked as a research
assistant with Prof. Mauricio Bucca on the projects "Patterns of intermarriage among first-
generation immigrant and native populations in Latin America" and "Class-based naming
dynamics in 20th-century Chile, the imitation (and distinction) game." Her interests are analyzing
sociological and economic data, statistics, and sociological theory.
Gonzalo Torres RosalesDoctorantePsychologist, Master in Science, Technology and Society, and Master in Methods for Social
Research. He has worked professionally in Non-Governmental Organizations, developing
research and social projects related to poverty, education, and employment, and has been a
consultant for organizations such as the UNDP and the Ministry of Education of Chile. He is
currently a doctoral student in Sociology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, where
he researches topics of social inequality, economic complexity, and human development.

Research papers

Hiring Discrimination Under Pressures to Diversify: Gender,
Race, and Diversity Commodification across Job Transitions
in Software Engineering.
Tania Hutt
Journal: American Sociological Association

June, 2024
Are within-racial group inequalities by skin color really greater
than inequalities between racial groups in the United States?
Mauricio Bucca
Journal: Socius: Sociological
Research for a Dynamic World
Volume 10

January-December 2024
Intergenerational Social Mobility Among the Children of
Immigrants in Western Europe: Between Socioeconomic
Assimilation and Disadvantage
Mauricio Bucca, Lucas Drouhot.
Sociological Science, [forthcoming].

May, 2024
Colorism revisited: the effects of skin color on educational
and labor market outcomes in the United States
Mauricio Bucca
Sociological science, vol. 11

june 10, 2024
Unpacking the persistence of informalityBenjamín Villena-Roldán
Journal of Labor Research (Accepted)

April 23, 2024
The how’s and how often’s of school harassment: How do they
influence the academic achievement of adolescents over time?
Andrea Canales
Studies in Educational Evaluation, Volume 82
2024, 101358
Teacher's social desirability bias and Migrant students: A study
on explicit and implicit prejudices with a list experiment
Andrea Canales
Social Science Research, Volume 119
2024, 102990
Socioeconomic disparities in the reopening of schools
during the pandemic in Chile
Andrea Canales
International Journal of Educational
Development, Volume 100
2023, 102805
Do teachers compensate for or compound disparities in
academic achievement?
Andrea Canales
International Journal of Educational Development,
Volume 117
2023, 102138
Are informal self-employment and informal employment as
employee behaviorally distinct labor force states?
Luca Flabbi, Mauricio M. Tejada
Economics Letters, Volume 231
October 2023, 111278
Reinforcing the STEM pipeline in vocational-technical high
schools: The effect of female teachers
María Paola Sevilla, Paola Bordón and
Fernanda Ramirez-Espinoza

Economics of Education Review, Volume 95
August 2023, 102428

Some of the questions we seek to answer

How does labor market mismatch
impact the factors that
encourage workers to perform
better, increase their productivity,
or stay in their jobs?
How do labor market frictions
hinder efficient matching
between employers and workers?
How does labor market mismatch
affect segregation, wage
inequality, informality, and
social mobility?
Do lack of social mobility
and discrimination
mismatches in the labor market?
How much does labor market
influence the
acquisition of human capital?

We invite you to explore our papers, reports, and documents based on our research lines

Labor market; Labor mismatch; Human capital; Productivity; Design and Job Description and Productivity; Employment Exchanges; Inequity and Mobility in the Labor Market; Informality.



The Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Labor Market Mismatch: Causes and Consequences (LM2C2) is focused on explaining how firms and jobs are matched with workers.

Based on the LM2C2 nucleus research, new projects will arise, and others will be furthered, contributing to a deep understanding of both the causes and consequences of the quality of matches in the labor market. Public policies aimed at improving match quality at the formation stage and its sustainability, shall be proposed to further greater labor inclusion, greater productivity, and less discrimination.


The 2nd Latin American Congress of Social Sciences and Government, co-organized by the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Catholic University, the School of Government of the Catholic University, the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Los Andes in Colombia, and the School of Social Sciences and Government of the TEC de Monterrey, will focus on inequalities in Latin America. It will be held at the Casa Central of the UC from November 13-15. Andrea Canales, principal researcher at LM2C2 , is part of the congress's organizational committee. Additionally, Andrea Canales will chair some of the sessions, particularly those focused on Labor Market, Human Capital, and Inequalities. Registrations are open, and submissions are through the following link:

Santiago, Chile

13-15 de Noviembre

Mauricio Bucca, Andrea Canales, and Tania Hutt, LM2C2 Millennium Nucleus researchers, organize the Workshop on Inequality and Stratification Research. With monthly sessions, the Workshop will address issues related to social stratification and inequality.

Santiago, Chile

Marzo – Diciembre 2024

Call for Papers

We invite submissions of papers with an empirical, theoretical, or policy-oriented focus that shed light on the causes, consequences, and potential solutions for gender and labor mismatches. This workshop will provide a platform for economists, sociologists, and other social scientists to present and discuss cutting-edge research, exchange ideas, and share insights.
