
The LM2C2 Millennium Nucleus is dedicated to forging and enhancing partnerships with diverse sectors of the country, fostering progress in critical domains like labor mismatch and dynamics. By strategically collaborating with academic institutions, businesses, governmental organizations, and civil society, we strive to make a meaningful impact in comprehending and tackling the labor challenges.


SABE: Job Market Analysis System 

Benjamín Villena, main researcher of the LM2C2 Millenium Nucleus is Co-Director of the SABE Project.


The SABE project generates various job supply and demand classifications, based on data from job portals, for different occupations and other variables in order to adequately describe the search activity by employers and workers in the Chilean labor market.

Comisión Asesora Ministerial de Prospección Laboral


Paola Bordón, Alternate Director of the LM2C2 Millennium Nucleus, has been a member of the Ministerial Advisory Commission on Labor Prospects since 2023. It is presided over by the Undersecretariat of the Ministry of Labor. This commission is composed of various government sectors, representatives of employers and workers, international organizations, and academic experts in labor matters.
