Research papers

LM2C2 Millennium Nucleus papers and research:

Hiring Discrimination Under Pressures to Diversify: Gender, Race, and Diversity Commodification across Job Transitions in Software Engineering.

Tania Hutt
Journal: American Sociological Association
June, 2024

Are within-racial group inequalities by skin color really greater than inequalities between racial groups in the United States?

Mauricio Bucca
Journal: Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, Volume 10

January-December 2024

Intergenerational Social Mobility Among the Children of Immigrants in Western Europe: Between Socioeconomic Assimilation and Disadvantage

Mauricio Bucca, Lucas Drouhot.
Sociological Science, [forthcoming].
May, 2024

Colorism revisited: the effects of skin color on educational and labor market outcomes in the United States

Mauricio Bucca.
Sociological science, vol. 11
june 10,2024

Unpacking the persistence of informality

Benjamín Villena-Roldán
Journal of Labor Research (Accepted)
April 23, 2024

The how’s and how often’s of school harassment: How do they influence the academic achievement of adolescents over time?

Andrea Canales
Studies in Educational
Evaluation, Volume 82
2024, 101358

Teacher's social desirability bias and Migrant students: A study on explicit and implicit prejudices with a list experiment

Andrea Canales
Social Science Research,
 Volume 119
2024, 102990

Socioeconomic disparities in the reopening of schools during the pandemic in Chile

Andrea Canales
International Journal of Educational
Volume 100
2023, 102805

Do teachers compensate for or compound disparities in academic achievement?

Andrea Canales
International Journal of Educational Development, Volume 117
2023, 102138

Are informal self-employment and informal employment as employee behaviorally distinct labor force states?

Luca Flabbi, Mauricio M. Tejada
Economics Letters, Volume 231 
October 2023, 111278

Reinforcing the STEM pipeline in vocational-technical high schools: The effect of female teachers

María Paola Sevilla, Paola Bordón and Fernanda Ramirez-Espinoza.
Economics of Education Review, Volume 95
August 2023, 102428

Working papers

By Felipe Balmaceda

This study examines how access to both market and non-market exchanges enhances overall welfare despite potential crowding out. It argues that improvements in the quality of market-supporting institutions can increase both types of exchange, mitigating crowding out and improving overall welfare. It concludes that an efficient economy with a combination of both types of exchange is crucial for achieving higher well-being.

By Felipe Balmaceda

This paper investigates the impact of external financing on firms' investments in an oligopoly context. It finds that firms may strategically choose to be cash-constrained during the investment stage to avoid negative strategic commitment effects of debt. In such cases, policies that ease access to external funds do not necessarily increase investments.

By Felipe Balmaceda

Using representative data from the Chilean economy, this study shows that online posted wages are procyclical and that not accounting for job requirements can lead to underestimating wage cyclicality. It demonstrates that ignoring countercyclical experience and education requirements can dampen wage cyclicality estimates.

Damian ClarkeNicolás ParisBenjamín Villena-Roldán

This paper presents a method for estimating regression models by working independently row-wise, allowing for the implementation of a wide range of econometric estimators without storing more than a single line of data at a time.
This approach is useful for estimation and inference with large datasets and can reduce computation time even with moderately sized datasets.

Mauricio Tejada and fellow researcher Luca Flabbi are analyzing the impact of financial exclusion on informal workers.

Andrea Canales and Paola Bordón are studying gender differences in graduation/dropout from STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) university courses. 

Benjamín Villena, with fellow researcher Sekyu Choi of the University of Bristol, are studying gender differences in preferences over jobs.

Baseline Research Papers

Sources of gender wage gaps for skilled workers in Latin American countries

Marcela Perticará and Mauricio Tejada. Journal of Economic Inequality.

July, 2021

Long Work Hours, Part-Time Work, and Trends in the Gender Gap in Pay, the Motherhood Wage Penalty, and the Fatherhood Wage Premium

Mauricio Bucca, Kim A. Weeden, Youngjoo Cha

The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, Volume 2, Number 4, August 2016, pp. 71-102 (Article)

It’s not just how the game is played, it’s whether you win or lose

Mario D. Molina, Mauricio Bucca, Michael W. Macy

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2375-2548

July 17, 2019

Does public sector employment buffer the minimum wage effects?

Lucas Navarro, Mauricio M. Tejada; Review of Economic Dynamics Volume 43

January 2022, Pages 168-196

A failure of the market for college education and on-the-job human capital

Felipe Balmaceda; Economics of Education Review
Volume 84, October 2021, 102165

Gender Gaps in Latin American Labor Markets: Implications from an Estimated Search Model

Mauricio Tejada, Claudia Piras, Luca Flabbi, Monserrat Bustelo
February 5, 2021

Private vs. public communication: Difference of opinion and reputational concerns

Felipe Balmaceda; Journal of Economic Theory
Volume 196, September 2021, 105314

The gender gap in college major choice in Chile

Paola Bordón, Catalina Canals, Alejandra Mizala; Economics of Education Review 77
(2020) 102011.

Contracting with moral hazard, adverse selection and risk neutrality: when does one size fit all?

Felipe Balmaceda; International Journal of Game Theory volume 49, pages 601–637 (2020)
