12 Jan Causes and Consequences LM2C2 Millennium Nucleus successfully conducts the Summer School of Economics and Sociology
The Labor Market Mismatch Millennium Nucleus2C2
) conducted the Summer School of Economics and Sociology, which had the participation of 30 students from different communes of Santiago and the Ñuble Region. The summer school took place from January 8 to 12th on the Campus Casona of the Universidad Andrés Bello. Students immersed themselves in a stimulating academic environment for an entire week, participating in master classes, interactive workshops, and practical activities. The topics covered in the school were:
- "Thinking like an economist" and "How markets work," by Felipe Balmaceda.
- "Market failures and State policies," by Miguel Vargas, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universidad Andrés Bello.
- "The problem of jobs and wages," Benjamín Villena.
- "The challenge of progress," Mauricio Tejada.
- "Thinking with data," Mauricio Bucca.
- "Learning measurement," Paola Bordón.
- "Credentials and employment," Andrea Canales.
Students had the opportunity to attend a talk in collaboration with the National Commission for Evaluation and Productivity, along with senior economist José Luis Contreras, who emphasized the importance of generating evidence-based public policies. As a closing activity, students were able to attend a talk given by academic Felipe Abbott, who spoke about the origin of modern science, the emergence of economic theory, and its process of mathematization.Participants of the Summer School highlighted the quality of the classes, the opportunity to meet renowned researchers, and the possibility of networking with other students interested in the labor market theme.