“La situación de la informalidad en Chile” en Tele13 Radio

Marily Lüders, former director of Diario Financiero, hosted the "Rat Pack" program on tele13radio, where the topic of "The Situation of Informality in Chile" was addressed, in connection with the LM2C2-MNEW colloquium "Informality in Chile: Causes and Consequences," held on November 20th at the Universidad Andrés Bello.

The colloquium featured the participation of:

  • Ignacio Briones, former Minister of Finance.
  • Giorgio Boccaro, Undersecretary of Labor and Social Security.
  • Felipe Balmaceda, Director of the LM2C2 Millenium Nucleus.
  • Jeanne Lafortune, Director of the MNEW Millennium Nucleus.

Moderation was conducted by Marily Lüders, who guided the discussion and allowed the panelists to share their perspectives and insights on the topic of informality in Chile.

