09 May Researchers from the LM2C2 Millennium Nucleus hold the workshop "Inequality and Stratification of Same-Sex Couples in Chile: Public and Private Struggles."

Con el objetivo de continuar profundizando en diversas temáticas y factores spearheaded by researchers from the LM2C2Millennium Nucleus, namely Andrea Canales, Mauricio Bucca, and Tania Hutt , was designed to delve into various themes and factors underpinning disparities within the labor market and its mismatches. It approached these issues from a unique perspective that amalgamated the insights, methodologies, and analyses of both economists and sociologists.
At the event, Alejandra Ramm, a researcher at Diego Portales University and a Doctor in Sociology from the University of Cambridge (England), presented the findings of her study titled "Same-Sex Couples in Chile: Public and Private Struggles." This project, funded by the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT), delves into the public and private challenges faced by same-sex couples in Chile. It examines their day-to-day experiences, exploring how they navigate their identity, relationships, and societal roles within the context of Chilean society.
Importantly , this presentation was part of the broader workshop titled "Inequality and Stratification, " organized by the LM2C2, Millennium Nucleus. This ten-session workshop aims to facilitate analysis, reflection, and the exchange of knowledge surrounding the various forms of stratification prevalent in Chilean society. Ultimately, its goal is to contribute to the formulation of public policies, programs, and concrete initiatives aimed at fostering equity and social inclusion within Chile and beyond.